The concept of reducibility has been instrumental toward certifying in the preceding papes that several problems were unsolvable or non c.e. culminating to the proof of Rice’s lemmata and theorem. At the heart of the use of the technique was the observation that when Am B or A1 B, then B is “more unsolvable” than A. Does this ordering, ≤,m (resp. ≤1), have a “maximal” element among c.e. sets? Indeed, it does have several. Such sets are called m-complete (resp. 1-complete). Definition. (m- and 1-completeness) A set A is called m-complete (resp. 1-complete) if the two conditions below hold

(1) A is c.e.

(2) If S is any c.e. set, then Sm A (resp. S1 A).          □ Example. K1 = {[x, y] : Imagesx(y) ↓} is 1-complete.

Indeed, first K1 is semi-recursive since

z images K1 ≡ (∃y)(∃y)(z = [x, y] ∧ Imagesx(y) ↓)

Second, let S be c.e., that is, S = We for some e. Then x images S ≡ [e, x] images K1. Thus, S1 K1, since x.[e, x] is 1-1.          □

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