
Suzanne Evans is a force of nature. She's smart. She's insightful. She's tough. She's hilarious. She is willing to do whatever it takes to get the results she wants. She demands the best from herself and from others. With Suzanne, there is no excuse big enough to knock her off course. And she has the proverbial heart of gold.

Those are all pretty nice things to say considering that I refused to talk to her for nearly a year. Yep, it's true. Suzanne contacted me, wanting me to coach her on helping her build her brand. At first I ignored her. Then I put her off, both politely and sometimes not so politely. I even gave her a big flat out No!, but Suzanne is a very persistent person. She just wouldn't let up. She ignored my no and kept after me, and she made such a compelling argument that she eventually wore me down, and I finally agreed to meet with her. I am so glad I did.

She flew to Scottsdale, Arizona, and met with me for a full day at my house. We sat at my dining room table and got to know each other. I found her to be a total delight. She was funny, charismatic, and focused. She was completely open and willing to learn. Like all great teachers, she is an amazing student. That is a great lesson for everyone right there! But what I learned that mattered most to me during that initial time with Suzanne was that she lives her life and runs her business grounded in the principles of honesty, fairness, and integrity. Those elements are missing in society and business for ...

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