Class Constructors and Destructors

Meanwhile, there's more to be done with the Stock class. There are certain standard functions, called constructors and destructors, you normally should provide for a class. Let's see why they are needed and how to write them.

One of C++'s aims is to make using class objects similar to using standard types. However, you can't yet initialize a Stock object the way you can an ordinary int or struct:

int year = 2001;                                    // okay
struct thing
    char * pn;
    int m;
thing amabob = {"wodget", -23};                    //okay
Stock hot = {"Sukie's Autos, Inc.", 200, 50.25};   // NO!

The reason you can't initialize a Stock object this way is because the data parts have private access status, which means a program cannot access the data members ...

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