Chapter 14

  1. The friend declaration should be as follows:

    friend class clasp;
  2. This needs a forward declaration so that the compiler can interpret void snip(muff &):

    class muff;    // forward declaration
    class cuff {
        void snip(muff &) { ... }
      class muff {
          friend void cuff::snip(muff &);
  3. First, the cuff class declaration should precede the muff class so that the compiler can understand the term cuff::snip(). Second, the compiler needs a forward declaration of muff so that it can understand snip(muff &).

    class muff;    // forward declaration
    class cuff {
        void snip(muff &) { ... }
    class muff {
        friend void cuff::snip(muff &);
A2: No. For A to have a friend that's a member function of B, the B declaration must ...

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