Retrieving the Text of a Line

We now have the playlist displayed in a window we can easily open. Let’s add the ability to play a specific song chosen by the user.

We’re going to create a new function, mpc#PlaySong, within our autoload directory. It will take the number of a song in the playlist—what mpc refers to as the song’s position—and send that number back to mpc using system. Add the following code to autoload/mpc.vim:

Line 1 
function​! mpc#PlaySong(​no​)
let​ song = ​split​(getline(a:​no​), ​" "​)
let​ results = ​split​(system(​"mpc --format '%title% (%artist%)' play "
\ . song[0]), ​"\n"​)
let​ message = ​'[mpc] NOW PLAYING: '​ . results[0]
echomsg​ message

There ...

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