Loops and Comparisons

VimL has a while loop. It starts with while and a condition, and it ends with endwhile:

let​ animalKingdom = [​'Crocodile'​, ​'Bug'​, ​'Octopus'​, ​'Penguin'​]
while​ len(animalKingdom) > 0
echo animalKingdom[0] . ​' Friend'
call​ remove(animalKingdom, 0)
" → Crocodile Friend
" Bug Friend
" Octopus Friend
" Penguin Friend

The condition here, len(animalKingdom) > 0, checks that the size of animalKingdom is greater than 0. To do that, it uses len. On a List, this function returns the number of items. It can also be used to get the length of a String value, but there’s a dedicated function, strlen, for that.

In the body of the while loop, the first statement, echo ...

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