Chapter 1. Why the Tough Times Are Just Beginning!









Chapter 2. The Government Declares War on the Financial Crisis












Chapter 3. Wall Street Deceptions, Cover-Ups, and Lies











Chapter 4. Housing: How to Escape the Greatest Bust of All Time



Chapter 6. How Safe Is Your Bank?



Chapter 7. How to Find Safe Insurance Companies



Chapter 8. How to Shop for the Best Life Insurance


Chapter 11. All-Weather Investments for the Best and the Worst of Times


[2] The materials from J. Irving Weiss (1908–1987) are based on his extensive writings, including titles such as The Money Squeeze, Too Many Hands in Your Pockets, The Third Crash, various unpublished manuscripts, and the author's notes from extensive life history interviews.

[3] I completely reject the argument that cultural and structural differences between the Japanese and U.S. economies justify Washington's view that it can repeat Japan's mistakes and somehow achieve a better result. My fieldwork in Japan for my doctorate focused on precisely this issue; and if anything, I found that the evidence supports the opposite thesis: The close cooperation between the private and public sectors in Japan—compared to the continuing conflicts between Wall Street and Washington—actually make it less likely that the U.S. government can succeed where Japan failed. See also Chalmers Johnson, MITI and the Japanese Miracle, Stanford ...

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