While I was writing this book, folks frequently said things like, "You shouldn't promote getting really rich. Not everyone can do that. Besides, that's like 'filthy' rich. It's still filthy."

First, it's simply false that mega-rich means filthy somehow. If you've read through to this conclusion, you've seen ample evidence of wealth being good. Believing it's not is a perverse social myth bred from ignorance and inadequate direct experience with the really rich, who are among the world's most fascinating and beneficent people. I firmly believe if we could make everyone really rich the world would be a far better place.

And maybe it's true everyone won't be rich, but it isn't clear that anyone can't be rich. You can. It's just up to you. There's no reason many more people can't reasonably try for a few or even many millions—without harming anyone. Problem is, the naysayers have less faith in you than I have. They think you shouldn't try, shouldn't reach. That you can't do it. I know you can. I know far more folks could be wealthy with a little planning and gumption, if they take the right road (or roads).

Maybe the wealth critics haven't seen as many people get rich as I have, so they don't know how possible and beneficent it is. Hard? Yes. Long hours? Skill? Toughness? Yes, yes, and yes! But impossible? No! I give you more credit than they do.

Forget the most famous rich! All 25,000 or so of my clients—all relatively wealthy people with money to invest—got rich on one of these ...

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