The notion for this book stemmed from conversations between literary agent Jeff Herman, me, and David Pugh, the John Wiley & Sons editor of my 2006 New York Times best seller, The Only Three Questions That Count. Before that book, Jeff wanted me to write a broad wealth book—an all encompassing ultra-wide spectrum book covering the waterfront. I hadn't written a book in a long, long time and didn't feel like taking on that project, but ultimately evolved to do Three Questions which was a much more narrow capital markets book—and where I felt confident I could offer unique insights. Still, after that, Jeff wanted me to do a wealth book. And David wanted another book (and broader spectrum to him meant it might sell even better). It was really only when we started talking about focusing on only the mega-wealthy as a road map for everyone else that I saw something I wanted to do—and knew I could do. For that, I thank them both for their patience with me.

So then I went back to Lara Hoffmans who worked with me in crafting my prior Wiley book. Prior to that book she had been an investment counselor in my firm's client services group but since then had become a manager in our content group. It produces all our written client communications including client reviews, marketing materials, and our daily webzine, The content group is also responsible for, and Lara as been instrumental in, the origins of our new, first-ever for a money management firm, partnership ...

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