Further reading

Argyris, Chris, The Executive Mind and Double-Loop Learning (Organisation Dynamics, 1982)

Burgelman, Robert & Grove, Andrew, Let Chaos Reign, then Rein in Chaos – Repeatedly (Strategic Management Journal, 2007)

Burns, Tom & Stalker, George, The Management of Innovation (Oxford University Press, 1994)

Cohen, William, The Art of the Strategist (AMACOM, 2004)

Cummings, Stephen & Wilson, David, Images of Strategy (Blackwell Publishing, 2003)

Davidson, Mike, The Grand Strategist (MacMillan Publishing, 1995)

Floyd, Steven W., Johan Roos, Jacobs, Claus D., Kellermans, Franz W., Innovating Strategy Process (Blackwell Publishing, 2005)

Hamel, Gary, Leading the Revolution (New American Library; reprint edition, 2002)

Heracleous, Loizos, ...

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