What’s in It for You?

Podcasting is an effective way for you and your business to be heard—to capture the valuable mindshare of customers, prospects, and employees. And, like nearly all of the social media tools in the ecosystem, it’s free! Podcasting is quite easy to do and produces a medium that is much more psychologically desirable—and frequently more accessible—to your customers and followers than mere text. One report states that 75 percent of all journalists prefer rich media (see Chapter 4, The World of Web Pages), and education studies show that rich media is more effective for teaching. Almost all search engine optimization (SEO) people (see Chapter 18, Spotlight on Search) have known this for more than a decade. Even Confucius (551 to 479 bc) knew a picture was worth 1,000 words! A picture is worth a thousand words, an audio podcast is worth a thousand pictures, and a video is worth a thousand audios.

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