What’s in It for You?

According to Internet World Stats Miniwatts Marketing Group, there are an estimated 1,802,330,457 Internet users worldwide. This number breaks down as follows: Asia: 764,435,900; Europe: 425,773,571; North America: 259,561,000; Latin America/Caribbean: 186,922,050; Africa: 86,217,900; Middle East: 58,309,546; and Oceanic Australia: 21,110,490. These numbers show the staggering number of people who are participating in the World Wide Web.

Websites (measured by domain name) have been growing at a rate of 22 million per month, each with an average of 239 pages per site, totaling 526 million websites by November 2011. Even though no one knows for sure, or can even accurately guess, there were an estimated 126 trillion web pages as of 2011 (see Figure 4.1).

FIGURE 4.1 Total Sites across All Domains, October 2009 through October 2011

Source: www.netcraft.com.


The sheer magnitude of these numbers is the force that drives e-commerce, while also making competition difficult. If you have some basic understanding of how web pages work, then you have the ability to outsell your competition—and thereby realize revenues and ROI that cannot be attained offline.


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