Part I—Tactics and Tools

The first book you asked for was a book on the tactics and tools of social media that explained what a vlog, a podcast, a blog, lifecasting, followers, flaming, tags, SEO and SEM, and pass along are. You asked that the book describe where it came from, where it is, and where the technology is going. You asked for the features and benefits of every type of social media marketing, what tools you should use, type of content, and the psychological benefits of each.

The second book you wanted was the tools, a guide, or a list, of all of the major tools of the trade. You wanted a list of the companies that provide the software, the apps, the websites, the text messaging, the virtual worlds, the game platforms, the mobile marketing insights, e-mail marketing providers, and content-sharing sites.

Then you asked for a third book, a book on strategy. You told me that once you read the second book and understood all of the different ways you could perform social media marketing and now that you’ve read the second book showing the top technology and service providers, you wanted to know how can you apply all of this newly gained knowledge to develop a successful social media marketing strategy.

You asked that this third book be comprehensive, but in a simple-to-implement, step-by-step process of developing a successful social media marketing plan. While this process needed to be easy to follow and easy to implement, it also had to be applicable to the one-person entrepreneurial ...

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