
Started in 2005 by three PayPal employees, and funded to the tune of $11.5 million by the respected venture capital fund Sequoia Capital, YouTube is currently the largest video-sharing site on the Web and the third most visited site on the Internet. It has changed the face of the Web, and there is hardly a marketing campaign that would not find value in a presence on YouTube.

Your Profile

User accounts on YouTube are called channels. When creating an account on YouTube, you can customize your channel in various ways (see Figure 5-4). The first and most important step in creating your account is choosing a username; you cannot change your username, and your username will determine your YouTube URL. This custom URL is invaluable to directing customers to your YouTube channel. If you're setting up a channel for your business, use your business name; if it's a personal account, use your real name. If these aren't available, pick something that you'll be happy with in five years. Choose a name that is short, pronounceable, and unique.

YouTube provides an interface that allows you to edit the details of your videos.

Figure 5-5. YouTube provides an interface that allows you to edit the details of your videos.

The title of your channel's page is also customizable, and should be either a business name or a personal name, or some keywords that define what your videos are about. Your profile's Description field is a great place to introduce yourself to your audience and ...

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