Chapter 9. The "I" Factor

As odd as it may sound, if you've read just this one book you now have all the knowledge you need to be successful in an online business. You have the capacity to create inexpensive products that can send money your way, day after day, year after year.

I hope that I've swept away dozens of myths and misconceptions about making money online. You don't need more knowledge. You now have the what and the why, the who and the how, in order to make it all happen.

You only need to add the one spark that ignites the whole thing. It's the when. You need to start implementing now!

The "I" Factor is Implementation. It's taking action to make your dream of financial independence a reality. Thomas Edison said, "Many of life's failures are people who did not realize how close they were to success when they gave up." Edison wrote that in an age when it was necessary to work in factories and make products out of iron.

You live in an age when you can make products out of thin air with nothing more than your willingness to take action on the straightforward steps I have laid out for you.

What counts is not how fast you're moving, but whether you are in fact moving toward your destination. On the next sunny day take a moment to notice as the sun streams in a window and casts its beam on the floor. If you watch very closely you can see an almost imperceptible movement of the light as it crosses the room. That tiny progress is enough to cross the entire sky in a day.

Remember the ...

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