Chapter 24


imageA year had gone by, and Josh was as energized and passionate as the day he had come back to work. He looked at the plant in his office and smiled, knowing the seed had become a plant that was growing along with him. Good thing he had an office that could accommodate it. His boss had been promoted, and Josh had been chosen to take his place. Although his new office was larger, he was more comfortable outside of it, rubbing elbows with the rest of his team.

He knew his team cared less about employee parties than they did about having work they loved to do. After all, everyone has a good time at employee parties and gatherings. Everyone is happy when they are playing. It’s how you feel while you are working that counts. It’s about work being meaningful. It’s about work being rewarding. Josh did his best to create a nurturing environment in which all of his team members could plant their own seeds.

As a result of Josh’s approach, the leaders in the company began taking notice of his performance and the performance of his team. At leadership meetings, they would put the spotlight on him and talk about the great work he was doing. Josh had come to realize that once you begin to seek out opportunities to make others’ lives better, your purpose starts to move through you, and you accomplish amazing things. The key is to have a driving force in your life. For him, it was ...

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