Chapter 19


imageWhen Josh walked into his apartment, he saw Dharma lying on the floor. She looked up at him with an expression that said, “I’ve been waiting for you.”

She rolled over on her back as Josh dove to the floor to rub her belly. “If you want to know what pure joy is all about it, it’s right here,” she wanted to tell him. But he didn’t know what pure joy was because he was always rushing the future. Like most humans, he wanted the future to happen now, but he was unable to enjoy the now.

“It’s a sad condition,” thought Dharma, “that affects far too many people, including Josh. Humans spend so much of their time living in the past and imagining the future that they don’t fully enjoy the moment.” Dogs knew how to enjoy the moment. But for humans, it was one of their biggest challenges. Dogs were limited by the inability to speak, but humans were limited by their busy minds.

She also noticed that younger people like Josh had a more severe condition of rushing the future. It seemed as though the younger people were, the more they thought the universe revolved around them and their timing. She often heard Josh’s friends talk about being president of their companies by the time they were 30. She wanted to tell Josh and his friends that the universe doesn’t run on their time. It runs on God’s perfect timing (GPT). There is a time and a season for everything. There is a time for ...

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