
  1. 1x2 ratio spreads
    1. see also butterflies; ratio spreads
  2. 25 and 10 delta puts strategy
  3. 36 South
  4. 60/40 stocks/bonds portfolio mix
  5. 665 puts
  6. academic ideas, critique
  7. active fund managers
    1. see also fund managers
  8. advance/decline ratios
  9. ‘aftershock’ hedges, butterflies
  10. ‘air pocket’ declines
  11. airplane ticket trade
  12. alpha
    1. definition
  13. ambulance-style strategies
  14. American options
  15. Animal Farm (Orwell)
  16. ‘Anti-Fragile’ trades
  17. Apple
  18. arbitrage
  19. arrogance dangers
  20. Asness, Cliff
  21. asset allocations
  22. asset managers
  23. astronomy
  24. ‘asymptotics’
  25. at-the-money options (ATMs)
    1. definition
  26. Australian Dollar (AUD)
  27. Austrian capital markets
  28. autoregressive models
    1. see also GARCH. . .
  29. back-tests
    1. cautionary note
  30. backwardation
    1. see also futures; long-dated contracts; short-dated contracts
    2. definition
  31. bad news
  32. ‘bad’ options
  33. balance sheets, central banks
  34. bandwagons
  35. bankruptcies
    1. see also liquidations
  36. banks
    1. see also central. . .; LIBOR; loans
    2. collateral
    3. credit supply increases
    4. crises
    5. critique
    6. failures
    7. ‘great multiplier’ status
    8. multiplier effect
    9. profits
    10. runs
  37. barbell approaches
  38. Barclays CTA indices
  39. BARRA model
  40. barrier options
  41. basis points
  42. ‘Batman’ trades
    1. see also gamma; ratio spreads
  43. bear markets
    1. claws of the bear
    2. put options
  44. bear strategies
  45. behavioural finance
    1. see also crowding problems
  46. ‘being able to sleep at night’ principle
  47. ‘bell curves’
    1. see also normal distributions
  48. Berlin Wall
  49. beta
    1. see also stock indices
    2. definition
  50. biases
  51. bid ask spreads
  52. binary options
  53. binary VIX-derived risk index ...

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