Chapter 84. Avoid Straitjacket Thinking

When you’ve got your head down and things are flying at you from all directions, it is easy to forget that you are supposed to be an innovative and a creative, cutting-edge sort of manager. We all do it. We get so close to the work under our noses we lose sight of the fact that we can invent, inspire, lead, motivate—and say “Yes.” The team comes to you with a new idea and you are so weary from fighting the bureaucracy, the system, the weather, and the commuting that you just say, “No,” no matter what it is they are suggesting. It’s often a “No” with a subtext of “And leave me alone, I’m too busy/ stressed/irritable to think about this now.” Is that you? Bet it is sometimes. It’s all of us.

So, we need ...

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