31Growth Technique #14: Growth by White Papers

A white paper is an educational document designed to help your customers and prospects.

In our case, a good white paper is nothing more than a collection of material you've already written.

If you're sending a newsletter every two weeks, as discussed in Chapter 30, then you'll have enough of those value articles—the first section of each of your newsletter—to collate into a white paper every quarter. Add some testimonials on facing pages so that they stand alone, and you'll have a nice 10-page white paper every three months.

There is no shame in repurposing content. In fact, there's only revenue, which is, for our purposes, the opposite of shame! Reuse everything you create as much as you can. People consume content in different ways, and we can't assume they've read every newsletter. And even if they have, research shows people need to see the same information at least seven times before they internalize it.

The last page of your white paper should contain your full contact details, and, if you wish, some promotional information about products you select or specials you're running. The material on this last page can change over time.

The key with white papers, as with all of your content, is to get them in front of customers.

Make sure customers and prospects see them.

The best way to communicate your white papers is one-on-one by email. It's just another reason to contact people who can buy from you. “We just put together this ...

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