11“We Don't Like to Brag”

Early in our work together, clients often tell me they have trouble with the boldness required in my approach to revenue growth because “we don't like to brag.”

I understand this.

Many of us are raised to value modesty.

After all, how many times did you hear “don't brag!” from your parents growing up?

Communicating why you're good, boldly and widely, goes against what's comfortable. So let me try to help. Here are some of the ways my clients overcome this discomfort.

  1. You aren't telling people why you're good, your customers are. When we go about the process of gathering powerful testimonials from our best customers, we're able to communicate our value in their words. There are myriad reasons this is infinitely more effective than you communicating why you're great, but first and foremost is credibility and believability. Your customer is a peer of the prospect's and he's saying you've made him money and saved him time. You capture that quote and communicate it to a prospect of yours. How can the prospect argue? How can the prospect say it's untrue? Now, if you said you're wonderful, and you'll make the prospect money, and you'll save her time, the prospect would have every right to write you off. Of course you say you're wonderful, you're trying to sell to me! When we put it in the customer's words, it's not bragging. It's simply passing along the truth.
  2. You're not bragging, you're helping. Remember, your work helps people tremendously. You improve ...

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