Every commercial enterprise—every restaurant, law office, hospital, building supplier, hardware store, and entertainment complex—survives and prospers as a result of its ability to attract customers and sell to them. Of all the skills you can develop, none is more basic to your success as an entrepreneur than learning how to do that well.

Corporate execs and even some CEOs can get away with not knowing marketing in a deep way. But that is not true for the inexperienced entrepreneur. You have no choice. You don’t have the money to hire a professional team to do it for you.

You must start from scratch. You must build your business gradually by constantly asking yourself “How can I bring in new customers cost-efficiently?” and “How can I keep those customers buying?”

The answers to those questions make up what we call your Optimum Selling Strategy.

Your Optimum Selling Strategy is a combination of the advertising media you choose, your promotional copy, and your front-end and back-end offers.

What you’re looking for is an approach that will have the greatest long-term benefit. Usually, that means finding the greatest number of high-value customers. That is, people who will buy your main, front-end product … and can then be converted to buyers of your back-end products for years into the future.

This chapter will take you through the fundamentals.

“The purpose of business is to create and keep a customer.”

—Peter F. Drucker

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