Starting your business by making these six strategic choices will get you off on the right foot. From there, it is simply about learning the necessary skills and avoiding the most egregious pitfalls.

Some experts would have you believe that entrepreneurs are born, not made. I am not in that camp. I believe that if you have a well-thought-out marketable idea … and you’re knowledgeable about how to grow that idea into a money­making enterprise … your business will thrive.

As I’ve said before, you don’t have to be a risk taker. As a reluctant entrepreneur, your cautious nature will be one of your greatest strengths. It will help you avoid the most common mistakes. So embrace your cautiousness and believe in this approach. It has worked for dozens of people I’ve mentored and I’m sure it will work for you.

Marty Metro’s story at the beginning of this chapter is a prime example of what I’m talking about. Marty had a great idea. It was very marketable. But with his first try at turning it into a business, he went down in flames. With his second try, he did it as a reluctant entrepreneur. And then he was finally on his way to a multimillion-dollar success.

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