Phase Planes

Suppose that we have two competing species (named 1 and 2) and we are interested in modelling the dynamics of the numbers of each species (N1 and N2). We want to draw a phase plane showing the behaviour of the system close to equilibrium. Setting the derivates to zero and dividing both sides by NrNi we get


which is called the isocline for species 1. It is linear in N1 and N2 and we want to draw it on a phase plane with N2 on the y axis and N1 on the x axis. The intercept on the y axis shows the abundance of N2 when N1 = 0: this is 1/α12. Likewise, when N2 = 0 we can see that N1 = 1/α11 (the value of its single-species equilibrium). Similarly,


describes the isocline for species 2. The intercept on the y axis is 1/α22 and the value of N1 when N2 = 0 is 1/α21. Now we draw a phase plane with both isoclines, and label the ends of the lines appropriately. We might as well scale the axes from 0 to 1 but we want to suppress the default tick marks:


The solid line shows the isocline for species 1 and the dotted line shows species 2.

Now for the labels. We use at to locate the tick marks – first the x axis (axis = 1),

axis(1, at = 0.805, lab = expression(1/alpha[21]))
axis(1, ...

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