
A note on the digital index

A link in an index entry is displayed as the section title in which that entry appears. Because some sections have multiple index markers, it is not unusual for an entry to have several links to the same section. Clicking on any link will take you directly to the place in the text in which the marker appears.


80-10-10 Rule, Occam’s Razor


acceptance testing
web applications, Subvert Selenium to Walk Web Pages
accidental properties
Aristotle on, Aristotle’s Essential and Accidental Properties
Alt-Tab viewer (Windows)
history, There and Back
analysis (see byte code analysis; source analysis; static analysis)
Angry Monkey and Cargo Cults, Angry Monkeys
non-build tasks, Subvert Ant for Non-Build Tasks
anti-objects, Anti-Objects
on accidental and essential properties, Aristotle’s Essential and Accidental Properties
arrays (see zero-based arrays)
attributes, Acknowledgments
(see also sticky attributes)
searching by, Search Trumps Navigation
Windows address bar, Windows address bar
automation, AutomationSummary
Ant, Nant and Rake, Subvert Ant for Non-Build Tasks
bash shell, Use Bash to Harvest Exception Counts
batch files, Replace Batch Files with Windows Power Shell
caching locally, Cache Stuff Locally
deleting downloads in Mac OS X, Use Mac OS X Automator to Delete Old Downloads
justifying, Justifying AutomationJustifying Automation
reinventing wheels, Don’t Reinvent Wheels
RSS feeds, Interact with RSS Feeds
Selenium with web pages, Subvert Selenium ...

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