achieving practical results, 57–58

action-oriented, becoming, 156–157

actions, being conscious of, 163–164

addiction, changing, 166

addressing emotional addict, 26–28

affirmations for drama addicts, 124

angry giver, 132–142

angry givers, and free enterprise, 145–146

anxiety, and procrastination, 29–30


becoming a healthy giver, 147–150

becoming action-oriented, 156–157

becoming practical, 60–61

becoming reward-conscious, 187–188

big goals, 77–78

big habits, 77–78

big-deal chaser, 65–68

big-deal chaser, positive characteristics of, 80

breaking the procrastinator identity, 33–34

breakthrough factor, 71–72

bridges, rebuilding, 70–71


cause and effects of procrastination, 12

change, key areas of, 166–170

changing addiction, 166

changing ...

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