

The concept of The Presentation Lab is not one I’ve casually thrown together to create a snappy title for a book. Akin to developing a new drug, creating a presentation demands meticulous planning and preparation along with some serious brainpower. There must be sufficient controls in place to guard against things getting out of hand.

The two core elements of your presentation development process are:

1. A thorough understanding of your audience
2. Clarity on what your message is

If you can master these concepts, both you and your presentation will be in good shape going forward. If you rush or try to short cut this section, it will be at your peril.

The good news is that once these elements are firmly in place, we can really go to town in terms of finessing the content, polishing the visuals, and preparing to actually deliver the presentation to your audience. But we’re getting ahead of ourselves. Let’s focus on that all important element of your presentation formula: the audience.



The more you think about it, the more obvious it is.

Every presentation represents an investment ...

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