
Colleagues with Interviews, Correspondence, and Published Excerpts in this Book

(Listed in Order of Appearance)

1. Mark Gerzon

2. Angeles Arrien

3. Linda Monte

4. Carol Frenier

5. Craig Hamilton

6. Meg Wheatley

7. Peter Senge

8. Beth Jandernoa

9. Juanita Brown

10. Kate Regan

11. Paula Underwood

12. Jacob Needleman

13. Lauren Artress

14. Robert Kenny

15. Parker Palmer

16. David Potter

17. John Paul Lederach

18. David Whyte

19. Renee Levi

20. Tom Hurley

21. Barbara Nussbaum

22. Rabbi Zalman Schachter-Shalomi

23. Mona Afary

24. Daniel Goleman

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