

authenticity of your, 57–59

coordinating words and, 47, 105

in tests of values, 42–48

advertising, word-of-mouth, 79

advocates, 30, 31

agenda, intent and, 69

Angelou, Maya, on treatment of others, 75

APCO Worldwide, 5

apologies, 130, 182–185

appreciation, expressing, 122–123


intangible, 158–159

reputation as, 5–6

tangible, 158

Athanassiades, Ted

attention, 90

authenticity, 51–65

in communication, 51–52, 103

in company culture, 54–57

and confidence, 52–54

in dealings with clients, 59–61

in the digital world, 61–62

and openness, 56–57

of personal and professional reputations, 54

in sales, 62–63

and transparency, 64

and trust, 56–57, 59, 64

and values, 35–36

of your actions, 57–59

as your legacy, 64–65

authority, sharing, ...

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