
Bubba and Matt sat down under a tree and Bubba spoke with more conviction than ever. “There's one more powerful way to feed others that I want to share with you and it is encouragement !” Bubba exclaimed. “After all, with so many people and dogs in the world telling us we can't succeed, we need to hear from those who tell us we can. There are enough pessimists and realists in the world. The world doesn't need more negativity and impossible thinkers. The world needs more optimists, encouragers, and inspirers. So be an encourager, Matt. Show people you love them by encouraging them. The world needs you to speak into the hearts of others and say, I believe in you. If you have the desire then you also have the power to make it happen. Keep working hard. You're improving and getting better. Keep it up. Great things are coming your way. We've hit a lot of obstacles but we'll overcome. Even if you fail, it will lead to something even better. You're learning and growing.

“I have found so often that the difference between success and failure is belief, and this is often instilled in us by someone who encourages us. Sure, we'll remember the negative people who tell us we can't accomplish something, but we will always remember and cherish those who encourage us. Decide to be someone who instills a positive belief in someone else—someone who needs to hear your encouraging words—and they'll never forget you.”

“Thanks, Bubba,” said Matt as he looked at him with hope in his eyes. ...

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