
50% gray, 29, 40, 42, 56, 58


about this book, xvixvii

Add Noise filter, 58, 93, 101

Add to Selection icon, 4

Adjustment Brush

landscape retouching with, 225226

portrait retouching with, 144, 157, 237238

adjustment layers

Curves, 150

Gradient Map, 105, 163, 185, 245247

Hue/Saturation, 45, 6061, 251

Levels, 8384, 149, 160, 202

Photo Filter, 85

Selective Color, 163, 258

Adobe Exchange, 36

Amount slider, Detail tab, 227, 238

Angle setting

Brush panel, 16

Gradient Fill dialog, 70

Anti Alias checkbox, 162

assassin project, 235261

background added to, 248251

before/after images for, 260261

Camera Raw adjustments, 236239

cartoon/painterly effect for, 259

coloring or toning, 257258

composition adjustments, 239

detail enhancement,

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