

Aberration Panel, 191

Active image cell, 125

Adobe Bridge, 43

Adobe Camera Raw, 34

Adobe Photoshop CS3, 5657

Adobe’s Camera Raw, 28

Adobe98 space, 33, 3536

Advanced features, in Lightroom

action tips for photoshop, 331333

custom actions, 323330

edit in photoshop, 317322

81A filter, 7

Alt-click key, 89

Alt key on the plus sign, 96

+/− and control keys, 78

Angle, in slideshow, 223

Application Color Management, 243

Architecture, of Lightroom

custom workspaces, 7879

filmstrip, 75

keyboard shortcuts, 7678

modules, 73

panels, 74

presets, 7981

toolbar, 74


backups, 293294

catalog backup, 296

D-65 archive, 296297

D-65 drive structure, 297298

developing backups, 299

duplicate backups in multiple places, 293

emergency ...

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