
[ ] (Bracket keys), 94, 253, 278

/ (Forward Slash key), 101

3D Pixelate transition, 41–42


acne removal, 254–256

Add Media button, 398

Add Media dialog, 391, 425

Add Noise filter, 316, 355

Adjust Color Curves dialog, 176–179

Adjust Color for Skin Tone dialog, 251

Adjust Highlights slider, 177, 178

Adjust Intensity sliders, 319

Adjust Shadows slider, 177, 179

Adjust Sharpness control, 374–376

adjustment layers, 138–141

advantages of using, 138–139

color corrections with, 160–162, 235, 239

creating new, 140

how they work, 141

portrait retouching with, 262, 267

selections and, 229, 235, 236

Adjustments palette, 138–141

color channel controls, 173–174

Gradient Map options, 172

Hue/Saturation controls, 164, 168–169

Levels controls, 140,

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