Appendix B. Reference Materials

Here’s a sampling of recommended references for both traditional and digital art forms.

ART Books

Art Through the AgesFifth EditionRevised by Horst de la Croixand Richard G. TanseyHarcourt, Brace and World, Inc.New York, Chicago, San Francisco,and Atlanta

The Art of ColorJohannes IttenVan Nostrand ReinholdNew York

Drawing Lessonsfrom the Great MastersRobert Beverly HaleWatson-Guptill PublicationsNew York

Mainstreams of Modern ArtJohn CanadayHolt, Reinhart and WinstonNew York

The Natural Way to DrawKimon NicolaïdesHoughton Mifflin CompanyBoston

Computer Imagery Books

Digital Art StudioTechniques for Combining Inkjet Printing with Tradional Art MaterialsKarin Schminke, Dorothy Simpson Krause,Bonny Pierce Lhotka ...

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