Chapter 18. Your Voice, Your Self: Improving Vocal Presentations

Taggart Smith


  • To provide feedback for speakers in a small group.

  • To illustrate the importance of voice quality when giving presentations.

Group Size

Ten to twelve people interested in improving their vocal presentation styles.

Time Required

One hour to an hour and twenty minutes.


  • One copy of the Your Voice, Your Self Vocal Presentations Style Sheet for each participant.

  • Multiple copies of the Your Voice, Your Self Vocal Presentations Style Checklist for each participant. Participants will complete one for each of the other participants; if there are ten participants, you will need 90.

  • A large decorative shopping bag to hold twenty speech starters.

  • Twenty speech starters: An assortment of common objects found in the home or work settings, such as a candle, book of matches, small date book, large paper clip, glue stick, feather, stick-on notes, pen, screwdriver, compass, paint brush, crayons, dime, or ball. (Location-specific items can also be included, such as a football game program, movie schedule, rock, shell, souvenir, or anything small enough for the bag.)

Physical Setting

Tables and chairs in a U-shaped formation.


  1. Deliver a lecturette on vocal presentation style based on the Your Voice, Your Self Vocal Presentations Style Sheet. When you have finished, provide participants with copies of the handout for future reference. Also give everyone enough copies of the Your Voice, Your Self Vocal Presentations ...

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