References and Suggested Readings

Keirsey D. & Bates M.1984Please understand me. Del Mar, CA: Gnosology Books Ltd.

Kroeger O. & Thuesen J.M1988Type talk: How to determine your personality type and change your life.New York: Delacorte.

Pfeiffer J.W. (Ed.)1991Theories and models in applied behavioral science (vol. 1). San Diego, CA:Pfeiffer & Company.

Sample J.A.1984A bibliography of applications of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) to management and organizational behavior. In J.W. Pfeiffer & L.D. Goodstein (Eds.), The 1984 annual: Developing human resources (pp. 145–152). San Diego, CA: Pfeiffer & Company.

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