The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Communication Skill-Building Tools

Book description

The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Interpersonal Communication Tools is organized into three sections: Presentations and Discussions (articles); Experiential Learning Activities; and Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys. These selections represent the all-time best the Pfeiffer Annuals and Handbooks have to offer on the topic. The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Interpersonal Communication Tools

·        Provides articles that offer quick, solid, and insightful grounding in a classic theme of communication-skills training

·        Contains complete, ready-made training exercises designed to meet a variety of needs for different audiences

·        Offers inventories that include questionnaires and instruments that help trainees understand their own communication habits, measure the health of actual relationships, and shed light on communication practices within the organization

Table of contents

  1. Copyright
  2. Introduction
    1. Getting the Most from This Resource
    2. Thirty Years of Expertise
    3. A Wide Net
    4. The Sections
    5. How to Use This Resource
    6. Choose Wisely
    7. A Toolbox
  3. I. Presentation and Discussion Resources
    1. 1. Conditions That Hinder Effective Communication
    2. 2. The Lost Art of Feedback
      1. 2.1. Supportive Feedback
      2. 2.2. Corrective Feedback
      3. 2.3. Guidelines for Effective Feedback
      4. 2.4. Principles of Feedback
      5. 2.5. Feedback Strategies
    3. References
    4. 3. The Influence Continuum
      1. 3.1. The Influence Continuum
      2. 3.2. Stage 1: Balk
      3. 3.3. Stage 2: Talk
      4. 3.4. Stage 3: Caulk
      5. 3.5. Stage 4: Walk
      6. 3.6. Stage 5: Stalk
      7. 3.7. Conclusion
    5. References
    6. 4. Communicating Communication
      1. 4.1. Factors Affecting the Sender
      2. 4.2. Points for the Listener
      3. 4.3. Awareness of One's Own Feelings
      4. 4.4. Conclusion
    7. References
    8. 5. The Johari Window: A Model for Eliciting and Giving Feedback
    9. 6. Using Personality Typology to Build Understanding
      1. 6.1. Historical Perspective on Personality Typologies
      2. 6.2. The Letter Pairs
      3. 6.3. Combining Attitude and Function
      4. 6.4. Personality Typology and Management Style
      5. 6.5. Personality Typology in the Workplace
      6. 6.6. Action Steps
    10. References and Suggested Readings
    11. 7. Communicating organizational change Information Technology Meets the Carbon-Based Employee Unit
      1. 7.1. Internal Communication: Form and Substance
      2. 7.2. Adapting Risk Communication to Organizational Change Change
      3. 7.3. Factors in Threat Perception
      4. 7.4. Managing Threat Perceptions
      5. 7.5. Communication of Risk During Change
      6. 7.6. Summary
    12. References
    13. 8. Confrontational Communication
      1. 8.1. Introduction
      2. 8.2. Inquire
      3. 8.3. Empathize
      4. 8.4. Ask Permission
      5. 8.5. Explain or Offer Choices
      6. 8.6. Conclusion
    14. 9. Assertion Theory
      1. 9.1. The Philosophy of Assertion
      2. 9.2. Three Response Styles
      3. 9.3. Recognizing Response Styles
      4. 9.4. Functional Distinctions
      5. 9.5. Components of an Assertive Situation
      6. 9.6. Conclusion
    15. References and Readings
    16. 10. E-Mail Basics: Practical Tips to Improve Communication
      1. 10.1. Basic Ground Rules
      2. 10.2. Create Cogent Messages
      3. 10.3. Manage Your In-Box
      4. 10.4. Other E-Mail Issues
      5. 10.5. Summary
  4. II. Experiential Learning Activities
    1. 11. In Other Words: Building Oral-Communication Skills
      1. 11.1. Goals
      2. 11.2. Physical Setting
      3. 11.3. Process
      4. 11.4. Variations
      5. 11.5. In Other Words Communication Handout
      6. 11.6. In Other Words Translation Sheet A
      7. 11.7. In Other Words Translation Sheet B
      8. 11.8. In Other Words Translation Sheet C
    2. 12. Poor Listening Habits: Identifying and Improving Them
      1. 12.1. Goals
      2. 12.2. Poor Listening Habits: ABC Listening Sheet
      3. 12.3. Poor Listening Habits: NL Sheet
      4. 12.4. Poor Listening Habits Theory Sheet
      5. 12.5. Poor Listening Habits: Effective Listening Sheet
    3. 13. Mixed Messages: A Communication Experiment
      1. 13.1. Goals
      2. 13.2. Mixed Messages Communicator Instruction Sheet
      3. 13.3. Mixed Messages Observer Instruction Sheet
      4. 13.4. Mixed Messages Listener Instruction Sheet
      5. 13.5. Mixed Messages Listener Instruction Sheet
      6. 13.6. Mixed Messages Listener Instruction Sheet
      7. 13.7. Mixed Messages Listener Instruction Sheet
    4. 14. Gestures: Perceptions and Responses
      1. 14.1. Goals
    5. 15. Time Flies: Negotiating Personal Effectiveness Through Assertion
      1. 15.1. Goals
      2. 15.2. Time Flies Instruction Sheet
      3. 15.3. Time Flies Situations Sheet
      4. 15.4. Time Flies Partner Characteristic Sheet
      5. 15.5. Time Flies Observer Sheet
      6. 15.6. Time Flies Assertion Theory Sheet
      7. 15.7. Time Flies Action Plan
    6. References
    7. 16. Resistance: A Role Play
      1. 16.1. Goals
      2. 16.2. Resistance Team Member Role Sheet
      3. 16.3. Resistance Rating Sheet
      4. 16.4. Resistance Role Sheet: Vice President A
      5. 16.5. Resistance Role Sheet: Vice President B
    8. 17. Seeing Ourselves As Others See Us: Using Video Equipment for Feedback
      1. 17.1. Goals
      2. 17.2. Seeing Ourselves As Others See Us: Video Feedback Sheet
    9. 18. Your Voice, Your Self: Improving Vocal Presentations
      1. 18.1. Your Voice, Your Self Vocal Presentations Style Sheet
    10. 19. E-Prime: Distinguishing Facts from Opinions
      1. 19.1. Goals
      2. 19.2. E-Prime Theory Sheet
      3. 19.3. E-Prime Discussion Sheet
    11. 20. Speed Up! Increasing Communication Skills
      1. 20.1. Goals
      2. 20.2. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency A
      3. 20.3. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency B
      4. 20.4. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency C
      5. 20.5. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency D
      6. 20.6. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency E
      7. 20.7. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency Aa
      8. 20.8. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency Bb
      9. 20.9. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency Cc
      10. 20.10. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency Dd
      11. 20.11. Speed Up! Reading Speed Transparency Ee
      12. 20.12. Speed Up! Writing Speed Transparency 1
      13. 20.13. Speed Up! Writing Speed Transparency 2
      14. 20.14. Speed Up! Writing Speed Transparency 3
      16. 20.16. Speed Up! Concentration Speed Handout 2
      17. 20.17. Speed Up! Concentration Speed Handout 3
      18. 20.18. ELA Section 2
      19. 20.19. Organizational Communication Issues
    12. 21. One-Way, Two-Way: A Communication Experiment
      1. 21.1. Goals
      2. 21.2. Diagram I:One-Way Communication
      3. 21.3. Diagram II: Two-Way Communication
    13. 22. Pass It On: Simulating Organizational Communication
      1. 22.1. Goals
      2. 22.2. Pass It On Instruction Sheet
      3. 22.3. Pass It On Observer Sheet
      4. 22.4. Pass It On Messages
    14. 23. Red Light/Green Light: From Fear to Hope
      1. 23.1. Goals
    15. 24. Blivet: A Communication Experience
      1. 24.1. Goals
      2. 24.2. Blivet Manager Briefing Sheet
      3. 24.3. Blivet Assistant Manager Briefing Sheet
      4. 24.4. Blivet Observer Guide
      5. 24.5. Directions for Manufacturing Blivets
      6. 24.6. Directions for Assembling a Blivet Table Blind
    16. 25. Analyzing and Increasing Open Behavior: The Johari Window
      1. 25.1. Goals
      2. 25.2. Johari Window Model Theory Sheet
      3. 25.3. Johari Window Self-Rating Sheet
      4. 25.4. Johari Window Model
    17. 26. Work Dialogue: Building Team Relationships
      1. 26.1. Goals
      2. 26.2. Work Dialogue Instructions
      3. 26.3. Work Dialogue Booklet
    18. 27. Defensive and Supportive Communication: A Paired Role Play
      1. 27.1. Goals
      3. 27.3. Defensive and Supportive Communication Background and Role-Description Sheet
      4. 27.4. Defensive and Supportive Communication Background and Role-Description Sheet
      5. 27.5. Defensive and Supportive Communication Background and Role-Description Sheet
      6. 27.6. Defensive and Supportive Communication Background and Role-Description Sheet
      7. 27.7. Defensive and Supportive Communication Background and Role-Description Sheet
      8. 27.8. Defensive and Supportive Communication Discussion Guide
    19. 28. Mediated Message Exchange Exploring the Implications of Distance Communication in the Workplace
      1. 28.1. Goals
      2. 28.2. Mediated Message Exchange Background Sheet
      3. 28.3. Mediated Message Exchange E-Mail Memo
    20. Reference
    21. 29. Bugs: Improving Customer Service
      1. 29.1. Goals
    22. 30. Enhancing Communication: Identifying Techniques to Use with Diverse Groups
      1. 30.1. Goals
      2. 30.2. Enhancing Communication Sheet
      3. 30.3. Enhancing Communication Lecturette
  5. III. Inventories, Questionnaires, and Surveys
    1. 31. The Communication Climate Inventory
      1. 31.1. Exploring
      2. 31.2. Description of the Instrument
      3. 31.3. Guidelines for Interpretation
      4. 31.4. Uses of the Instrument
      5. 31.5. Communication Climate Inventory
      6. 31.6. Communication Climate Inventory Scoring and Interpretation Sheet
    2. References
    3. 32. Organizational Values and Voice Audit
      1. 32.1. Introduction
      2. 32.2. Description of the Instrument
      3. 32.3. Administration of the Instrument
      4. 32.4. The Scoring Process
      5. 32.5. Other Suggested Uses for the Audit
      6. 32.6. Organizational Values and Voice Audit
      7. 32.7. Organizational Values and Voice Audit Interpretation Sheet
    4. 33. Interpersonal Communication Inventory
      1. 33.1. Interpersonal Communication Inventory
      2. 33.2. Interpersonal Communication Inventory Scoring Key and Norms
    5. References
    6. 34. Communication Audit: A Pairs Analysis
      1. 34.1. Introduction
      2. 34.2. Administration of the Audit
      3. 34.3. Scoring and Interpreting the Results
      4. 34.4. Making Action Plans
      5. 34.5. Communication Audit
      6. 34.6. Part One: Communication with Supervisors
      7. 34.7. Part Two: Interpersonal Communication
      8. 34.8. Guidelines for Scoring and Interpreting Part One
      9. 34.9. Guidelines for Interpreting Part Two
      10. 34.10. Communication Audit Action Planning Samples
    7. 35. The Behavior Description
      1. 35.1. Development of the Instrument
      2. 35.2. The Instrument
      3. 35.3. Administering the Behavior Description
      4. 35.4. Behavioral Styles and Role Stress
      5. 35.5. Conclusion
      6. 35.6. Behavior Description
      7. 35.7. Behavior Description Scoring Sheet
      8. 35.8. Behavior Description Interpretation Sheet No. 1
      9. 35.9. Behavior Description Interpretation Sheet No. 2
      10. 35.10. Behavior Description Interpretation Sheet No. 3
      11. 35.11. Behavior Description Interpretation Sheet No. 4
      12. 35.12. Behavior Description Pattern-Association Sheet
    8. References
    9. 36. Cross-Cultural Interactive Preference Profile
      1. 36.1. Definitions of Terms
      2. 36.2. Conceptual Background: Low-Context and High-Context Orientations
      3. 36.3. The Profile
      4. 36.4. Cross-Cultural Interactive Preferences Profile
      5. 36.5. CCIP Profile Scoring Sheet
      6. 36.6. CCIP Profile Interpretation Graph
      7. 36.7. CCIP Profile Interpretation Sheet
    10. References
    11. 37. Organization Behavior Describer Survey (OBDS)
      1. 37.1. Organization Organization Describer Survey (OBDS)
      2. 37.2. OBDS Scoring and Interpretation Sheet
    12. References
    13. 38. The Negotiation-Stance Inventory
      1. 38.1. Negotiation-Stance Inventory
      2. 38.2. Negotiation-Stance Inventory Scoring Sheet
      3. 38.3. Negotiation-Stance Inventory Interpretation Sheet
      4. 38.4. Negotiation-Stance Inventory Rationale Sheet
  6. About the Editor

Product information

  • Title: The Pfeiffer Book of Successful Communication Skill-Building Tools
  • Author(s):
  • Release date: October 2007
  • Publisher(s): Wiley
  • ISBN: 9780470181805