A.1. Conferences and Meetings

Annual International Conference. At the annual PDMA International Conference, traditionally held in October of each year, executives and academics from organizations that are leaders in innovation present cutting-edge ideas, research, and case studies. Certification training and examinations are available at the conference. Various workshops offer effective training for managers at all levels of experience.

Jointly sponsored conferences. In addition to the annual conference, PDMA jointly sponsors several meetings throughout the year, each focusing on an important new product issue. Conferences also are held to disseminate the information contained in PDMA's Handbook of New Product Development, the ToolBook for New Product Development, and Comparative Performance Assessment Study research results (see Chapter 36).

Local chapter meetings. With more than a dozen regional chapters throughout the country, PDMA sponsors over 35 local meetings annually, offering an excellent opportunity for local involvement and exchange of ideas.

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