

  1. ACA (Affordable Care Act)
  2. accountability, as core benefit of transparency
  3. accountable care organizations (ACOs)
  4. active participation
  5. adherence, as criteria in design thinking process
  6. Affordable Care Act (ACA)
  7. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality (AHRQ)
  8. agile technologies
  9. AHRQ (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality)
  10. AI (artificial intelligence)
  11. all-payer claims database (APCD)
  12. about
    1. establishing
    2. landscape of
    3. link to HIEs and HIXs
    4. as a platform for innovation
    5. potential users of
    6. progress of
    7. reasons for using
    8. users and use cases
  13. Amazon
  14. analytics
    1. about
    2. behavioral
    3. big data
    4. categories of
    5. clinical
    6. cloud
    7. episode
    8. health
    9. personal health
    10. predictive
    11. text
    12. trends impacting advanced
    13. for value-based care
  15. analytics framework, as a trend impacting advanced analytics
  16. analytics strategy, as a trend impacting advanced analytics
  17. APCD
    1. See all-payer claims database (APCD)
  18. Aria smart scale (FitBit)
  19. Arkansas
  20. artificial intelligence (AI)
  21. Assess & Report Performance Across the Continuum as step in Population Health Wheel
  22. Assess Risks & Profile Patients, as step in Population Health Wheel
  23. association
  24. automated model building


  1. banking industry, learning from
  2. behavioral analytics
  3. big data
    1. about
    2. clinical data
    3. getting started with
    4. innovation lab, as a trend impacting advanced analytics
    5. linking sources of
    6. medical claims data
    7. patient satisfaction data
    8. patient-reported outcomes data
    9. self-generated data
    10. social media data
  4. big data analytics
    1. as key to success
    2. use of
  5. Birchbox

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