

accent marks, 160

acronym for basic design principles, 13

advertising, 141144

Alignment, Principle of

basic principle of, 13, 3354, 87

breaking it, 132, 133, 136

comparison of different text alignments, 37, 42

messy alignment example, 46

mixing alignments, 72

sitting on the ground vs. clothesline, 58

soft vs. hard edges, 35

strengths of, 87

use baseline of text, 44

visual connection, 54

all caps

bad examples of, 26

caps vs. lowercase form, 200201

when to use, 201

why not to use, 161, 190, 201

analogous colors, 101

Anguish Languish

stories from, 5859, 194195, 198, 210213

ANSI codes

for accent marks, 160

for special characters, 158

apostrophes, use of, 154155

Arial, don’t use it, 126, 132

ascenders, 186

asymmetry, 85


badges, examples ...

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