Appendix A

The One-Page OPPM

Years ago, before retiring from O.C. Tanner Company, I was invited to make a short presentation to our board of directors. My first book, The One-Page Project Manager (OPPM), had recently been published and was selling better than the publisher had forecast, so we gave a copy of the book to each board member and I was invited to make a short presentation. This audience, of course, was familiar with OPPM templates, having received OPPM status reports for the Award Distribution Center (ADC) and other large projects over the years.

We concluded with a few questions and answers, all of which went smoothly until the final question. The chief executive officer (CEO) of a large banking institution asked, “Do you have a one-page summary of your book?” I did not! For a board discussion on visual displays and simple one-page reports, I had failed to prepare a one-page visual of the book. I walked out of the meeting with a weak finish to a strong message.

Well, this bank CEO later invited me to sit with him and the bank president for a discussion on how OPPMs might simplify project communication at their bank. Yes, a one-page OPPM was part of that meeting!

Figure A.1 is a one-page OPPM visual for traditional projects. It shows the 5 essential parts, the 12 construction steps, and the 5 reporting steps.

Figure A.1 The One-Page Traditional OPPM

Copyright OPPMi 2012.

Figure A.2 is a one-page OPPM visual for agile projects. It shows the 5 essential parts, the 12 ...

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