George B. Bradt has a unique perspective on helping leaders move into complex, high-stakes new roles. After graduating from Harvard and Wharton (MBA), George spent two decades in sales, marketing, and general management around the world at companies including Unilever, Procter & Gamble, Coca-Cola, and then J.D. Power as chief executive of its Power Information Network spin-off. Now he is a principal of CEO Connection and managing director of PrimeGenesis, the executive onboarding and transition acceleration group he founded in 2002. George can be reached at gbradt@primegenesis.com.

Jayme A. Check offers a dynamic and global perspective on leadership gained from executive roles in firms ranging from start-ups to the Fortune 500. Leadership positions in sales, business development, and general management at companies including J.P. Morgan, Guidance Solutions, and Brice Manufacturing have given Jayme a unique perspective on executive acceleration and development. In addition to being a PrimeGenesis founder and author of its onboarding and transition acceleration methodology, Jayme is president of Quantum Leap Associates, a firm focused on providing executives worldwide with authentic and measurable leadership skills. Jayme earned a BS from Syracuse University and an MBA from UCLA's Anderson School. Jayme can be reached at JCheck@1QuantumLeap.com and JCheck@PrimeGenesis.com.

Jorge E. Pedraza transitioned from preparing future leaders as a professor at Williams College ...

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