Chapter 34. How to Track Client Identity Using Thread.CurrentPrincipal

There's a simple pattern for using this property. Plumbing sets it, and application code reads it. The most common example of this is the ASP.NET plumbing that sets Thread.CurrentPrincipal.[1] The page (application code) can then read the value any time it needs to make an authorization check against its client. Here's the basic idea.

// plumbing provided by a framework like ASP.NET
class Plumbing {
  ApplicationCode appCode;

  public void DoHeavyLiftingThenCallAppCode() {
    // plumbing...
    Thread.CurrentPrincipal = _authenticateUserSomehow();
    // more plumbing...


// application code provided by developer (e.g., ASPX page) class ApplicationCode { public ...

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