CHAPTER 5 The Fourteen Behaviors that Make the Difference

“If all you have is a hammer in the toolbox, everything looks like a nail.”

Bernard Baruch

The framework for our negotiation standard now starts to unfold. It is time to face yourself and your capability as a negotiator. Your versatility, adaptability, and range of skills will ensure that you can optimize opportunities in all types of negotiations The clock face in Chapter 2 has provided the basis for differentiating the many ways to negotiate. The role of power in Chapter 3 helps us understand how situations and relationships can be manipulated or influenced, meaning that we have to continuously reassess our assumptions. The ten negotiation traits we examined in Chapter 4 provide a framework for self-awareness, enabling us to do that which is appropriate. In this chapter I present the 14 behaviors that enable you to do the appropriate thing at the right time. Together, the traits and behaviors support the competent performance of the Complete Skilled Negotiator.

The fourteen negotiation behaviors capture and describe what it is that you do when negotiating. They make up the varied skills required to perform at different points on the clock face and when employed enable you to be versatile enough to perform in all types of situations. They have been used as a framework for assessing, developing, and supporting negotiations in over 500 corporate businesses around the globe employing the clock face as their “standard” ...

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