Chapter 2. The Negotiation Clock Face

The origin of the clock face and the framework of fourteen negotiation behaviours which supports it were born out of a commercial project I undertook in 1996. The project involved defining what is meant by 'world class negotiation'. My studies involved examining the many philosophies being advocated by gurus, universities, authors, consultancies and, importantly, the group of companies which I worked for at that time. In the main, I concluded that the approaches being taught by 'experts' in the field were mainly one dimensional.



This is a term used to describe interest-based negotiations involving the low-cost, high-value trading exchange resulting in both parties gaining more from the trading process.

The first, a highly-rated academic institution, would preach that win-win was the only rational and sustainable way of negotiating agreements. The second, a consulting firm, promoted the highly ethical partnership approach, again with full rationale and justification for their recommendations.


partnership approach

This involves both parties sharing in risk taking, investment and potential, leaving both parties exposed to the risk and benefits associated with the trading relationship.

I was convinced by both of the arguments. I then attended a programme based on 'hard as nails' negotiations. This is effectively how to hard bargain, negotiating with high levels of conflict, heavily reliant on positioning and manipulating the ...

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