
I thought I would find you here. Curious? You should be. Negotiation is fundamental to your life and the way you distribute, create, protect, resolve and manage anything of value. It is central to the viability of every business, for even non-profit-making organisations. It has delivered peace in war, resolved bedtime tantrums with our children, helped avoid millions of court cases and has probably helped save a few marriages along the way too. It is how you resolve differences andform agreements based on mutually acceptable terms. It can represent the difference between viability and insolvency, profit making orloss, growth or decline; such is the power of the outcomes.

Great negotiators often go unnoticed. They are not interested in winning or glory. They have an attitude of mind which is focused on the hard work of building agreements and protecting this work through the necessary confidentiality which follows. However, great negotiators — and perhaps you — recognise that the return on time invested is dramatic, perhaps in relationships, time saved, risk reduced, profit made or even dilemmas resolved. No other skill offers so much value in return for competent performance.

In this book I have set out to provide you with an insight into negotiation from a practitioner's perspective. The art and science of negotiation is an interactivity that is influenced by culture, ever-changing circumstances, expectation, capability and personal chemistry. The Complete Skilled Negotiator ...

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