Appendix D. How to help this book: A request from the author

Thank you for buying this book. If somehow it exceeded your expectations or left you feeling like “gee, things would be better if more people read it,” this page is for you.

As you know by now, I’m a young independent author. I don’t have a huge marketing machine behind me, nor a gang of billion-aire friends, or even a magic genie offering me three wishes. But that’s OK. If you’re willing to chip in a few minutes of your time, you can seriously help this book find its way in the cold, tough world, where many good books never reach all the people they should.

Please consider any of the following:

  • Write a review on

  • Post about this book to your blog, Facebook, or Twitter.

  • Recommend the book to coworkers, your friends, and your friends’ friends, or even to your friends who blog, or your coworkers’ friends who blog, or even your friends of friends who blog about their friends’ blogs. The possibilities are endless.

  • If you know people who write for newspapers or magazines, drop them a line—or perhaps Oprah or Jon Stewart owes you a favor. If so, now is a good time to cash it in.

  • If you like to pretend you’re a secret agent, secretly leave a copy of this book on the desk of someone important or influential.

  • Go to and discover all the great things I write about each week. If you like what you find, run through this list again with that in mind.

These little things make a huge difference. As the author, my ...

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