
I bow deeply—gassho—with immense gratitude to the people who helped breathe life into The Mushin Way and supported, assisted, and aided in this book's creation:

First, to Nick and Sarah Moran at Public Words whose creative genius, trust, and guidance got this project off the ground, in process, and across the finish line. Without you, The Mushin Way would not be—thank you so much!

My literary agent Esmond Harmsworth of ZSH Literary had the insight and clarity to see the power and potential of The Mushin Way. Thank you, Esmond and Jane von Mehren, for your vision, guidance, and expertise in navigating the landscape of traditional publishing.

To “team Wiley”: my editor, Lia Ottaviano, is one of the most knowledgeable, resourceful, and easy-to-work with people on the planet. In addition to working with Lia, I had the pleasure of working with Pete Knox and Pete Gaughan, who helped polish and refine the manuscript to a fine sheen.

I am blessed to have many friends who have provided encouragement, laughter, ideas, and a kick in the pants when I needed it. I especially want to acknowledge and thank Dino Efantis and Sean McGraw—my best friends and true brothers. I love you both very much.

Michael Callender and Tyson Geisendorff are two of my fellow black-belt brothers whom I'd be lost without. As “officers and gentlemen” having attained the rank of colonel in the U.S. armed forces, they are inspirations to me and to everyone they come in contact with. Semper Fi, gentlemen. ...

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