1. Sum of naturals divisible by 3 and 5

The solution to this problem is to iterate through all numbers from 3 (1 and 2 are not divisible by 3 so it does not make sense to test them) up to the limit entered by the user. Use the modulo operation to check that the rest of the division of a number by 3 and 5 is 0. However, the trick to being able to sum up to a larger limit is to use long long and not int or long for the sum, which would result in an overflow before summing up to 100,000:

int main(){   unsigned int limit = 0;   std::cout << "Upper limit:";   std::cin >> limit;   unsigned long long sum = 0;   for (unsigned int i = 3; i < limit; ++i)   {     if (i % 3 == 0 || i % 5 == 0)        sum += i;   }   std::cout << "sum=" << sum << std::endl;}

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