
This Book Isn't About Me, It's About You

If you're reading this online, or flipping pages in a bookshop, thinking Why should I buy this book?, then let me tell you. I can help you have an amazing life. I haven't written this book to impress you, but to impress upon you what a nonacademic, near bankrupt, occasionally homeless social dropout can achieve in a relatively short period of time.

I haven't written this book to make money. I'm already a multimillionaire, and have been for many years.

This is a school of hard knocks how-to manual, and there is no exam or fancy degree at the end. But if you follow my advice and take action, you can live a lifestyle others only dream about. You can join the new rich—and I don't mean only rich in money. I mean rich in time and fulfillment.

But let's go back a few years...I didn't come from a privileged or well-educated background. My father came to the United Kingdom from a small, poor town in South Italy. He was escaping the mafia, and had nothing but a battered case and a few shillings. He couldn't speak a word of English.

By working as a hairdresser by day and a waiter by night (I know...all Italians are hairdressers or waiters!), he made enough to start his own hairdressing salon and built up a successful chain.

He then retired and dropped dead a few years later, at the relatively young age of 55. I had no interest in joining the family business, but I did share the family ethos of hard work.

At the age of 12, I was doing payroll ...

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